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Are you ready to take the next big step in your career?
Do you need a reliable expert and partner to help you realize your career goals?

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  • Illinois:

    1030 W Higgins Rd, Suite 230
    Park Ridge, IL 60068


    5605 N. MacArthur Blvd,
    Suite 1049, Irving, TX 75038


    Av. de las Américas #1586 Country Club,
    Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 44610


    8th floor, 90, Dolorez Alcaraz Caldas Ave.,
    Belas Beach, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
    Brazil, 90110-180


    240 Ing. Buttystreet, 5th floor Buenos Aires, Argentina, B1001AFB


    08th Floor, SLN Terminus, Survey No. 133,
    Beside Botanical Gardens, Gachibowli,
    Hyderabad, Telangana, 500032, India


    16th Floor, Tower-9A, Cyber City,
    DLF City Phase II, Gurgaon,
    Haryana, 122002, India


Get in touch with us

Are you looking for a dedicated recruiting partner to help augment your hiring managers with a 100% commitment to going further than any other recruiter today?

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PTP IT Recruiting Services USA
Dedicated to assisting job seekers by providing valuable job hunting, resume writing, and interviewing advice.
26+ Years in IT Placements & Staffing Solutions


1030 W Higgins Rd, Suite 230
Park Ridge, IL 60068


5605 N. MacArthur Blvd,
Suite 1049, Irving, Texas, 75038


Av. de las Américas #1586 Country Club,
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 44610


8th floor, 90, Dolorez Alcaraz Caldas Ave.,
Belas Beach, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
Brazil, 90110-180


240 Ing. Buttystreet, 5th floor Buenos Aires,
Argentina, B1001AFB


08th Floor, SLN Terminus, Survey No. 133, Beside Botanical Gardens,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500032, India


16th Floor, Tower-9A, Cyber City, DLF City Phase II,
Gurgaon, Haryana, 122002, India

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