Hire security architects with PTP
When creating new software and applications, it’s tempting to manage everything the way you personally would prefer, and not the way your users would prefer. Maybe you’ve never personally been hacked, and so you’re not certain why everyone’s so adamant about hiring security analysts and researchers (can’t everyone just think like you?). Or maybe you were hacked once years ago, and you figure it’s not a big deal anymore.
Two things. Regardless of if you’ve ever been hacked, if your application is widely successful then at least some of your future users will have been — you’ll now have to protect them as best you can while fostering trust (making these users feel sufficiently safe when using your app). And if you haven’t yet been hacked, count your blessings; according to some estimates 64% of businesses have already suffered a cyber-attack, and this percentage will only rise over time. The solution lies in hiring the right IT security architects, seasoned professionals who can create and maintain a safe, strong digital infrastructure for you.